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Creating an assignment - Base de connaissances / Teacher Tutorials - Binogi Support

Creating an assignment

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Assignments can be created from both the Student section and the Teacher section. To create an assignment from the Student section, click on "Create assignment".    

When you create an assignment from the Student section, "Lesson to assign" and "Assignment title" will be automatically populated.    

To create an assignment from the Teacher section, select the "Assignments" tab.

Then, click "Create an assignment".

You can search for a video lesson by typing in the "Search for lessons" field.  

As you type, options will populate a drop down menu.  When you select a video lesson, the "Assignment title" will be automatically populated.   

You can create an assignment for the whole class, group(s) or for individual students.  Click on the arrow to see a dropdown list of options. Enter your start date and due can even select a specific time of day.  

Use the "Comments" section to type in assignment instructions. Don't forget to click "Create assignment".  

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